
The winery is located in the Vicuña area at the end of Puclaro Lake and is equipped with state of the art technology, including sealed pneumatic presses which, in addition to producing perfectly clear must by applying very low pressure, are also used to cold macerate white grapes prior to pressing. Stainless steel tanks of different capacities are used for temperature controlled fermentation.

After the fermentation process of red wines begins, tanks with pistons simulate the traditional method of hand-punching down the skins as they are driven to the surface. Micro-boulage for red wines; French and American oak barrels; a refrigeration system for tartaric acid stabilization and temperature controlled fermentation; cold sterile bottling with a capacity of 5000 bottles per hour and a labeling machine which applies self-adhesive labels. The screw cap machine was added to the bottling line early in 2008.

Despite the use of technology throughout the production process, grapes are exclusively hand picked, harvested in small bins of 15 kg each and delivered directly to the winery for processing within minutes of being picked.

The total capacity, at the moment, is 4.5 million liters. However the winery is currently expanding it to accomodate the increasing volume, as new vines come into full production.